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May 2013
Sunday Burlesque Soiree
CINCO DE MAYO! The Palace Productions is thrilled to return to Howard Theater with another breathtaking Sunday Burlesque Soiree. This time celebrating Cinco De Mayo with burlesque and sideshow! Get ready to be dazzled with enchanting ladies from Washington DC area. We have the very sweet and spectacular Cherie Sweetbottom, who will sweeten you up.The stunning Kay Sera, will thrill and astonish while the very classic delights of Cherokee Rose will dazzle and charm you. We have more! Tribal Fusion…
Find out more »Tribal Fest 13 – Halfway to Halloween – May 14 – 19, 2013
Naimah will be teaching Bold and Sassy on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 and Explosive Movement on Saturday May 18, 2013 With performances by performing artists from all over the world on Friday, Saturday and Sunday! This is a festival of stars not to be missed!! Sign up today while you still have a chance!! http://www.blacksheepbellydance.com/tf13/workshops13.html
Find out more »The Dance and Wellness Expo hosted by BOCA
The largest & most exciting EXPO of its kind... and this year will be even more exhilarating!Join us for 4 days of amazing workshops & performances from experts with years of experience teaching Dance, Wellness & Fitness! Men & women welcome! Newbies and those with experience welcome! Learn, Sweat & Laugh with workshops in: ... -Cabaret Style Bellydance -Tribal Bellydance -Hip Hop Bellydance -Brazilian Samba Technique & Workout -Spicy Caribbean Zumba -Ashantga & Hatha Yoga -Ancient Egyptian Yoga -Tantric Yoga…
Find out more »Virginia Burlesque and Sideshow Festival Workshops and Show
EDUCATION & EMPOWERMENT are central to the mission of our fresh new Virginia Burlesque & Sideshow Festival. Join us in these affordable WORKSHOPS with high caliber artists from around the country. For more information, stay tuned here, and also visit www.virginiaburlesque.com. Want to try something fun and new in dance? Or want to hone your already professional variety act? Please, you just CAN'T MISS THIS. We offer group classes with a variety of teachers, tba, as well as individual act…
Find out more »June 2013
MiaNaja’s Rak Ya Daddy Hafla
Coming soon...
Find out more »July 2013
November 2013
December 2013
March 2014
Art of the Belly Festival 2014
Find out more »November 2014
Bandit Queens Tribal Cafe
NOVEMBER brings us Belladonna Boheme, one of the founders of the Tribal Cafe concept, as well as the inspiring Samira Shuruk and Art of the Belly Festival in OC, MD producer Naimah and Troupe Amandari. Oh, and your regular hostess, Madame Onça. The show starts with a short intro to bellydance class, and then opens into a raffle, performance, and heart-warming fun. The Bandit Queens Tribal Cafe is RVA's family-friendly, affordably priced, monthly bellydance show. Join us for delicious brunch…
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